Ongoing Project Updates 

We thought it might be helpful to provide you with a quick overview of several projects we are working on, on behalf of Members:

Project #1:  Investment X-Ray

It's a perennial challenge for IFAs - how do you effectively analyse the guts of a client's legacy investments, without spending an arm and a leg (and most of the rest of your life) on systems which are simply too big and bloated for everyday use?  We're looking at an inexpensive upgrade to an existing resource in order to determine whether it will be fit for purpose for ValidPathers.

Project #2:  Frameworks & Processes

We have a longer-term initiative looking at the way in which our advice models map through to reliable and efficient processes.  This includes not only the compliance angle, but also how advisers can effectively re-use data to generate informative client communications.  Please remember that we have published a new guide to the practical, day-to-day use of Clarity which you can access from this page.

Project #3:  Pension Transfer Working Group

We are making good progress here, and building improved processes as well as core documentation to support the delivery of advice in this area.  There is a holding page for guidance which you can access here.

Project #4:  The ValidPath Fees Project

This has been running in the background since the FCA changed its basis for calculating its fees in 2013.  This page provides you with an update.

Project #5:  A White-Labelled Investment Solution

As you know, ValidPath do not place any constraints upon its Members in terms of the design of your investment advisory proposition.  We provide quite a bit of guidance, and we have pioneered our own Centralised Investment Proposition which provides one of the best-value solutions we have yet encountered.  We are also currently working with a DFM to establish a solution which ValidPathers could own, as part of your proposition.

Project #6:  Equity Release Working Group

Based upon our experience with Project #3, we hope in the near future to be sending out invitations for participation in a Working Group which will focus on Equity Release business, and developing an internal market for specialists.  The aim will be the creation of another collaborative initiative.


Kevin Moss, 03/03/2016